CTF25 Tickets Colorado Trombone Festival Group Registration CTF Group Registration The registrant is the person whom signing up and paying for the participant. This can be the participant, parent or teacher. Registrant Name * Registrant Name First Name First Name Last Name Last Name Registrant Email Address Enter Email Confirm Registrant Email Address Confirm Email Please fill out this information below for each participant. Participants Participant First Name * First Participant Last Name * Last Participant Email Address Enter Email What is your playing level * Beginning studentIntermediate studentAdvanced studentAmateur adultProfessional Can you read tenor clef? YesNo What is your preference for part assignments? HighMediumLow Year in School School Attending Band Director Name Band Director Email Address Private Teacher Name Private Teacher Email Address Any special needs for this registrant that need to be addressed plus1 Add minus1 Remove Submit to register and pay for all participants Total Price for all participants Credit card information Credit card information Credit card information Credit card information Month 123456789101112 Credit card information Year 20252026202720282029203020312032203320342035 Credit card information If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ